Chynna Answers Yahoo Questions
I decided to have another go at answering dumb people's questions on the internet.
Well, a good start would be clothes...
I think the question you should first ask yourself is "What is my deductible?"
Also, I don't think The Guinness Book of World Records would touch this. The only book you'd get yourself in is the book of "Weird Stuff Doctors Found in Rectums".
No. They wipe with maple leaves.
Also they don't have tooth paste. It's just maple syrup.
I think it's rude if you do it and then ignore it. No one wants to smell your own unholy brand of incense. But if you apologize, it's all good in God's house.
Also, you don't say "excuse me" you say "bless me"; farts are just butt sneezes, you know.
March 23rd, 2014. A night I will never forget...
But, due to a strict binding contract I have with the government, I cannot discus any activities and experiments I underwent when I met the strange race of aliens from the planet Vultorb-39.
But I can say this...I'm not sure what all they did to me...but now every time I sneeze my microwave goes off.
Also, I miss you Snorlat X2-9....You were so kind to me...come back....
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