EvansvilleWatch Is Back on Social Media and We’re Excited
It's been quite a while since the EvansvilleWatch page has been active on Facebook and Twitter. The accounts had been inactive since May of 2018 but you'll remember the laughter, face-palming and out-right eye-rolling that the page's posts often elicited. If you're unfamiliar with EvansvilleWatch, it's a team of volunteer page admins who take turns listening to police scanners in and around Evansville and then creating social media posts describing the scanner action.
There was no shortage of useful information like traffic jams and severe weather but our favorites have always been the more "WTF?" and "Only-In-Evansville" moments. Since relaunching on January 16, 2019, there have already been some laughable posts:
Sometimes it's #AllAboutThemHashtags
Sometimes it's just stupid-human-tricks
And sometimes you just can't make this stuff up
Welcome back EvansvilleWatch!!!