
USI Theatre Presents: Molière’s Tartuffe
USI Theatre Presents: Molière’s Tartuffe
USI Theatre Presents: Molière’s Tartuffe
Looking for something to do next weekend? Why not stop by USI's new Performance Center for some giggles as the USI Theatre Department performs Molière's comedic play "Tartuffe".
This 10 Year-Old Is Going to Take the Comedy World By Storm
This 10 Year-Old Is Going to Take the Comedy World By Storm
This 10 Year-Old Is Going to Take the Comedy World By Storm
I saw a video pop-up on our 103GBF page about an 89 year-old man debuting his comedy routine (you should check it out, it is hilariously adorable) and it reminded me of a comedian I recently heard about on the other end of the age spectrum. Meet 10 year-old Saffron "Saffy" Herndon from Mesquite, Texas. More like "Sassy", am I right? *silence* See, this is why I'm not a comedian
Daylight Savings Time Is Tonight! (with Video)
Daylight Savings Time Is Tonight! (with Video)
Daylight Savings Time Is Tonight! (with Video)
Here's your reminder that we FALL BACK an hour tonight. Which means we get one more extra hour to sleep off our candy comas! Yay! But if you forget to set your clocks back in your candy-fueled stupor, don't worry, you can always do it in the morning.
This Kid Totally Did Not Eat The Cupcakes
This Kid Totally Did Not Eat The Cupcakes
This Kid Totally Did Not Eat The Cupcakes
Its Saturday morning and you make be waking up and realizing you need to deny your Friday night activities. Just like I will totally deny that I spent Friday night at home watching a Law and Order: SVU marathon on Netflix. The kid in this video is going to keep on denying that he ate that cupcake, although the evidence is right there...
Peek Inside Playboy
Peek Inside Playboy
Peek Inside Playboy
Holy shit! The fossilized magazine helmed by the oldest geezer (see: corpse that reeks of stale cat urine and utter expiration) with an erection, Hugh Hefner is finally coming to the realization that no one really cares about Playboy the magazine anymore, and the airbrushed, vaguely nude women that sparsely grace their poorly printed pages.
Larry David Plays Bernie Sanders and SLAYS IT!
Larry David Plays Bernie Sanders and SLAYS IT!
Larry David Plays Bernie Sanders and SLAYS IT!
  This past weekend, Tracy Morgan returned to Saturday Night Live as host and some pop star (that has an annoying song I really don't like) was musical guest. But it was the show's cold opening that got my attention.   This past week was the Democratic presidential debate, which stared Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and three other guys who will probably end their campaigns by the end of this sen

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