This Abandoned Train Makes for an Eerie Sight on the Side of an Indiana Highway
Have you ever spotted this train when driving down the highway?
WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.
Abandoned Places
I don't know what it is, but there is just something so incredibly fascinating about abandoned places, and things. Seeing something that was once so full of life being taken over by nature and slowly decaying is just incredible to see. It's both beautiful and eerie.
A Quick Disclaimer
Before we get too far into things, I'd like to make a quick note. While this train is certainly an incredible sight, according to various comments on the Facebook post about this train, it seems the train does have a proper owner, so don't go exploring the train without proper permission. That being said, according to various comments from people from the area, it appears that you can see this train from the nearby highway. So please be courteous.
Abandoned AMTRAK Train
While scrolling through Facebook I saw a post that caught my eye! It's from a group that shares all kinds of cool photos of abandoned places in Indiana, this post was created by James Sullivan, who was kind enough to allow me to use his photos in this post (thanks again James)!
According to the post, the train sits near Dugger Indiana which is a small town of about 900 people located between Vincennes and Terre Haute. Driving down Highway 54 in Dugger, you may notice the intriguing sight of an abandoned AMTRAK train sitting off to the side of the highway. It's a super wild sight!
There isn't a ton of information about this particular train online, so when I did some digging, I found a Reddit post from about 6 months ago, with someone asking for information on this train. A commenter linked a Wikipedia page talking about this type of train, and I believe it is a Turboliner RTG which Wikipedia describes as:
The Turboliners were a family of gas turbine trainsets built for Amtrak in the 1970s. They were among the first new equipment purchased by Amtrak to update its fleet with faster, more modern trains. The first batch, known as RTG, were built by the French firm ANF and entered service on multiple routes in the Midwestern United States in 1973.
So it would seem this train was used about 50 years ago, who would have known that half of a century later, it'd be greeting people passing by off Highway 54!