KY Man Turns to Facebook to Identify Strange ClawKY Man Turns to Facebook to Identify Strange ClawA Kentucky fisherman, his uncle, and his grandfather came upon a strange claw they could not identify.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Bizarre KY Garden and Toy MuseumBizarre KY Garden and Toy MuseumApple Valley Hillbilly Garden and Toyland is a weird, wacky, and wonderful Kentucky destination. It's a hidden gem that should NOT stay hidden.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
KY Man Reunited with 37-Year-Old Bottle MessageKY Man Reunited with 37-Year-Old Bottle MessageTroy Heller of Mount Washington KY probably thought he'd never again see a message he dropped in the ocean when he was 10 years old.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Was This KY Man the Oldest Person Ever?Was This KY Man the Oldest Person Ever?It's entirely possible this Kentucky man was the oldest person who ever lived, but we may never know for sure.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Odd KY World RecordsOdd KY World RecordsThere are some pretty unusual world records that have been set by folks from the Commonwealth. Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in KY and INBiggest Unsolved Mysteries in KY and INThese bizarre occurrences have been anointed in multiple circles as the biggest unsolved mysteries in Kentucky and Indiana.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Indiana Rockers Play Ruin a Band Game and We Can't Stop LaughingIndiana Rockers Play Ruin a Band Game and We Can't Stop LaughingWe asked you to ruin a band name by removing a letter and the results are so hysterical, we had to share them!Kat MykalsKat Mykals
What Is An Ootheca And Do They Exist In Indiana & Kentucky?What Is An Ootheca And Do They Exist In Indiana & Kentucky?Your guide to oothecae and praying mantids across Indiana, Kentucky, and the United States. Kat MykalsKat Mykals
Strange 'Boom' Sounds in KentuckyStrange 'Boom' Sounds in KentuckyKentuckians--and folks NOT from Kentucky--have been reporting hearing loud and unexplained "boom" noises.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Is There a Gravity-Defying Hill in Kentucky?Is There a Gravity-Defying Hill in Kentucky?Calling all physicists, skeptics, and magicians...rumor has it there's a place in Kentucky where your car can defy gravity.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Henderson Oddities Shop: New Location Same Level of StrangeHenderson Oddities Shop: New Location Same Level of StrangeCorkscrew Curiosities is full of wonderful ephemera and plenty of trips down memory lane but their oddities just might make your mother uncomfortable!Kat MykalsKat Mykals
A Woman Rates Items Her Trauma Surgeon Mom Had To Remove From People’s ButtsA Woman Rates Items Her Trauma Surgeon Mom Had To Remove From People’s ButtsShe says that her childhood was hilarious because of these stories her mom told her, and we don't disagree.Free Beer and Hot WingsFree Beer and Hot WingsKelly CheeseKelly Cheese