
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
12 Impressive Balloon Art Creations
Balloon art is usually something that's confined to a) clowns or b) those guys on the side of the street who make those really embarrassing hats that are like, five feet tall. As it turns out though, there's a whole lot more to the art than standard balloon animals or pop-able accessories. In fact, a lot of 'em are actually impressive.
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
11 Amazing Etch-A-Sketch Creations
Etch-A-Sketches are one of those childhood toys that never go out of style. If you're like most people, a few hours' worth of entertainment usually produced some pretty bad art, although it never really mattered. But there are the select few who are really good at Etch-A-Sketching. Like, really really good.
12 Examples of Creative Pizza Box Art
12 Examples of Creative Pizza Box Art
12 Examples of Creative Pizza Box Art
Let's imagine you're ordering a pizza online. Before clicking "order," have you ever noticed that small area where you can write comments or additional directions? As far as we're concerned, this feature is highly underused, because this is where pizza box art is born.
New York Court Rules That Lap Dances Are Not Art
New York Court Rules That Lap Dances Are Not Art
New York Court Rules That Lap Dances Are Not Art
Despite what you and I may think, lap dances are not a form of art according to the New York State Supreme Court. Nite Moves, a strip club in the state capital of Albany, filed a lawsuit that said it was not required to pay taxes on money it earned from entrance fees and private dances...

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