Mike Adams
Brussels Plans to Battle Offensive Language With Hefty Fines
Brussels, Belgium, has unleashed a sonic street sweeper into the city, hoping to curb the verbal cesspool coming from the mouths of its citizens and, in turn, make the city a more habitable community for its residents.
According to a spokesperson for Brussels mayor Freddy Thieleman, any form of insult, be it racist or homophobic, offensive language or words used to sexually harass someone in publi
New Study Finds That Brazil Is the Leading Crack-Cocaine Market
The world might be a giant asylum of soul-sucking gutter junkies fighting for their next meal on the excruciating edge of a devil-sharp machete, as new research pinpoints crack-cocaine usage in the millions, with Brazil the world’s leading a speed-freak society.
According to a recent study conducted by the Federal University of Sao Paulo, about six million adult Brazilians have tried cocaine produ
Indiana Man May Have Died as the Result of ‘Brain Eating Amoeba’
Indiana residents may want think twice about taking a dip in any of the area lakes, as a recent autopsy indicates that a parasite commonly referred to as the “brain eating amoeba” has claimed the life of an Indiana man.
The autopsy that was released earlier last week attributes a rare infection called primary amebic meningoencephalitis as the cause of death for 30-year-old Waylon Abel...
McDonald’s Plans to Open Its First Vegetarian Restaurants in India
McDonald’s plans to trade in signature fare like the infamous Big Mac for menu items that are more McVegan friendly, as the chain prepares to unleash a couple of vegetarian restaurants in India sometime net year — the first such eateries of the chain’s kind in history.
Roseanne Barr Tweets Billionaires Are ‘Violent Pedophiles’ and ‘Coke Addicts’
Well, don’t expect to hear about Roseanne Barr receiving any large contributions from billionaires looking to support her Roseanne for President 2012 campaign anytime soon.
Indiana Residents Could Win Cash to Quit Smoking
Anyone who has ever tried to quit smoking knows just how hard it can be to put down that nasty habit for a month, much less forever.
However, in October, a month is all you will need to possibly win $2,500, as Indiana health officials plan to challenge those Hoosiers trying to shake the nicotine monkey off their backs to stop smoking for 31 days for a chance to win some cash
New Research Reveals That Most Employees Want a Do-Over Career
If while you were sitting at work a strange man walked up to you and handed you a magic wand that was said to hold magical powers that would allow you to abracadabra yourself from your current career to a new one of your choice would you do it?
The State Department Wants You to Stop Using Offensive Phrases You Don’t Even Know Are Offensive
It appears as if the State Department wants to wash out the mouths of the American people with a proverbial bar of soup for being so insensitive to the offensive nature of popular phrases like “hold down the fort” and “rule of thumb.”
New Research Reveals That Bullying in the Workplace Is On the Rise
Almost everyone has encountered that one co-worker who would rather spend every ticking second of an eight-hour workday telling you how to do your job rather that minding their own business and focusing on their own work.
What Are the Worst Back-to-School Beverages to Give Your Kids?
Some parents are under the illusion that just because they give their little curtain climbers juice instead of bouncing them off the walls with soda that they are somehow providing them with a lesser evil.
Karaoke, Season Finales and More Things to Do This Labor Day Weekend in the Tri-State
There is a lot going on this weekend here in the tri-state – If you plan to get your weekend started early, nearly every bar in town has karaoke and pool, and if they don’t, they have booze and food – you can’t miss.
If family activities are what you are looking for, check out the Evansville Otters who play their final three games of the season this weekend against the Florence Freedom or take adv
Shocking New Study Finds Cutting Calories May Not Mean You Will Live Longer
If you are one of those health nuts who has been counting and cutting calories under the preconceived notion that living on a Third World country starvation diet is the key to achieving longer life – man, do we have some news for you.