
Lost in Transition: Grace is in the Details in ‘Wandering Son’
Lost in Transition: Grace is in the Details in ‘Wandering Son’
Lost in Transition: Grace is in the Details in ‘Wandering Son’
Wandering Son is one of the best comics about being transgender that I’ve ever read. Okay, so I do have a few nits to pick, and I should probably call it a manga instead of a comic, and I should probably make this column as long as it usually is instead of just telling everyone to go buy it, but essentially, I stand by that opening sentence. It’s a rare and great day when I read something that gets as much right about the place I’ve found myself in as Wandering Son does.
Fallout 4 Review (Xbox One)
Fallout 4 Review (Xbox One)
Fallout 4 Review (Xbox One)
War never changes, but the console and gaming landscape has dramatically over the last seven years. In the time since Fallout 3's release, open-world games have evolved quite a bit thanks to that game's success. New platforms have also emerged, giving developers the resources to make larger, more detailed worlds for players to explore, while adding in the additional graphical benefits new hardware provides. While the rest of the world was moving on at an incredible pace, Bethesda was taking its time with Fallout 4. A proper fourth entry in the series needed to be bigger and better than before, but the wait was excruciating for fans. Though the franchise hasn't come quite as far in the last seven years as we'd hoped, but Fallout 4 is still an impressive piece of work that's not to be missed.

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