Warrick Co. Police Officer Lip Syncs to Pantera
This is by far, the best thing I've seen all day.
Like most jobs, sometimes things can get a little crazy some days. But also, their might be some days where you have just a little bit of down time. Maybe it's a lunch break, or the e-mails have finally stopped for 5 minutes. And in that time, you have the opportunity to do something all your own.
And many police officers around the country have decided that this down time would be best spent lip syncing.
There has been a trend of police departments around the U.S. getting challenged to lip sync. And, while this is really cool (and sometimes funny) most of the songs they chose are top 40 songs, or old school classics (Like the Evansville Police Department did).
But then, a shining beacon of hope came forth and the rock gods delivered Officer Marvin Bruce of the Warrick Co. Sheriff's Department to us, who knows how to jam to some 90's rock in his cruiser!