When will Hoosiers be able to get back outside to work on their gardens and landscaping? The Farmer's Almanac tells us when to expect the final Spring frost.
Whether you're a weather enthusiast or just someone who wants to contribute to public safety, becoming a weather spotter is a great way to serve your community.
The days are slowly getting longer, and there’s finally light at the end of this long, dark, and frosty tunnel. Here’s what winter’s midpoint means for Indiana.
Are you looking for a small town to visit and get cozy in this winter? We have one of the coziest small towns in America right here in Southern Indiana!
If you want to sit in your car and listen to us a little longer in the morning while you wait for the engine to warm up, we're not complaining. But don't do it because you think it's good for your car. Spoiler alert: it's not!