A company has developed a line of totally bizarre and completely distrusting candy canes. These things will make your stomach turn. Yes, normally, as regular foods, most of them are delicious. But, NOT as candy canes. Pizza is just one of the gag worthy flavors.
Kids these days have more gift options than their grandparents and maybe even their parents had. In my case, I have 5-year-old niece and her list is quite impressive. I'm sure you've heard of Hatchimals. I like to call it a Furby that's been repackaged in a egg for 2016. I have some other ideas for Zoey.
You just have one week left to get your wife/significant other the perfect Christmas present! My fiance kept asking me what I wanted for Christmas. I finally said, "you know, I have told you what I have wanted when I see it. I shouldn't have to make a list for you, listen to me when I say I want something, I do it all the time!" Does this conversation sound familiar?