What do Evansville, hockey, and stand up comedy have in common? Brian Patafie and he will be bringing his "Funny As Puck" tour to Victory Theatre on May 11, 2024.
Meteorological experts are redefining Tornado Alley due to shifting tornadic activity towards new regions like Southwestern Indiana and Southern Illinois.
Indiana State Police, in partnership with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, are taking part in an initiative to raise awareness about human trafficking.
They didn't need the freezers for ice cream at all, they simply wanted to help out in any way that they can.
<iframe src="https://webapps.9c9media.com/vidi-player/1.9.16/share/iframe.html?currentId=2102443&amp;config=ctvnews/share.json&a...
A woman on TikTok made a video talking about how "suspicious" the western US wildfires are, and a local fireman decided to respond in order to debunk her stupidity.
Source: TikTok
And it's all because he doesn't want you to kill his promiscuous mom, who ultimately wants to go back to the beach to find some 30-something-year-old Abercrombie model. Ryan left a voicemail for John Horgan with all of the details.
Source: Twitter