Score Tickets to See Korn At Ford Center on March 8th
103 GBF is proud to present Korn with special guests Chevelle, and Code Orange at the Ford Center on March 8th! It's going to be a hell of a show, and we're excited to give you the chance to score tickets!
Since it is a 103 GBF Damn Loud Rock Show, 103 GBF has your hook up! We've got plenty of tickets we'll be giving away between now and the show! All this week on my show (afternoons with Melissa Awesome) I had your chance to score tickets, we're rounding out the week with our St. Jude Radiothon, so since we're all St. Jude all the time for these two days, we're moving the final two days of Korn ticket giveaways online. Below you'll find an entry form that you can fill out for your chance to score a pair of tickets to see Korn at the Ford Center!
On Monday, February 7th, I'll pull two winners at random and two winners will score a pair of tickets to the show! Korn with special guests Chevelle and Code Orange live at Ford Center in Evansville, Indiana, Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Tickets for this 103 GBF Damn Loud Rock Show are now on sale! Korn's new album Requiem will be out on February 4, 2022.