The Vanderburgh County Solid Waste District's annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program offers you the opportunity to safely dispose of household hazardous chemicals.

I would be willing to bet that it has been quite some time since you have gone through all of your drawers and cabinets in your house or garage and cleaned them out. Honestly, I couldn't tell you the last time I took the time to look through mine to toss out what I don't use. More importantly, to toss out things that are expired...which I am sure is a surprising amount. Spring is upon us which means that it is time for the annual "spring cleaning" tradition.

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That being said, when you do find yourself going through items in your household that you want to dispose of, there might be a few items that can't be thrown away in the trash. I'm talking about household hazardous chemicals such as motor oils and filters, oil-based paint, batteries, aerosol cans, and medications, to name a few. So, if you can't throw those away in your trash, what can you do with them?

Tox Away Day In Downtown Evansville

The Vanderburgh County Solid Waste District's annual Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program is coming up in April. This gives Vanderburgh County residents the opportunity to safely dispose of these items. According to The City of Evansville's website:

The Spring 2022 Tox-Away date is scheduled for Saturday, April 16.  It will be held from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. in the Civic Center parking lot (9th & Walnut Streets)

Please load your items into your trunk or truck bed for safe unloading by workers.

This program is for Vanderburgh County Households only. No businesses, please.
For more information call 812-436-7800.

Cans with color paint and paintbrush

What Items Are Accepted And What Aren't?

There are several items that you can throw away at the Tox Away event on April 16th, and likewise there are also a lot of items that won't be accepted. Take a look below so you know what to load up to throw away ahead of time:

Items Accepted:

  • Motor Oil & Filters
  • Oil Based Paint
  • Automotive Batteries & Fluids
  • Solvents & Thinners
  • Gasoline
  • Antifreeze
  • Household Batteries
  • Pesticides & Herbicides
  • Thermometers/Mercury
  • Aerosol Cans
  • Household Cleaners
  • Glues & Adhesives
  • Photographic Chemicals
  • Pool Chemicals
  • Fluorescent Bulbs
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Propane Tanks

Items Not Accepted:

  • Commercial Waste
  • Infectious Waste
  • Industrial Waste
  • Radioactive Waste
  • Explosives/Ammunition
  • Pressurized Containers
  • Appliances
  • Electronics
  • Tires
  • Latex Paint (can be thrown away in regular trash when it is hard - air dry or add kitty litter or sawdust to solidify)

SEE: 15 Animals You Cannot Own in Evansville

I got the idea for this after seeing an article by Michelle Heart with our Townsquare Media sister-station, 107.9 Lite-FM in Boise, Idaho. She had discovered several animals residents in that city can't own based on city codes she found online which got me thinking about whether Evansville had any regulations that were similar. Obviously, they did or this article wouldn't exist. Chapter 14, Article 3, section 42 and 43 spell out a lengthy list of exotic animals you can get in trouble owning if local officials find out. You can see the entire list on the city's website. These are the 15 I found to be the most interesting.

Do You Remember What These Evansville Businesses Used To Be?

On this Throwback Thursday, let's take a stroll down memory lane to see if you remember what used to be located at these Evansville Businesses.

15 Animals that Could Attack You in Evansville

Evil squirrels, killer bunnies, terrifying geese, and more are featured in this gallery of real-life animal stories.

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