What happened in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky on Election Day is not unprecedented. There's a HISTORY of non-human candidates winning elections in this country.

Let's go back to 1938 and Milton, Washington, just about due south of Seattle and Tacoma. It was a blowout when Mr. Boston Curtis was elected to the position of committeeman. He took 51 votes. Ironically, Boston, a MULE, was a Republican. (Yeah, I know the Democrat symbol is a donkey, but close enough.)

Lajitas, Texas is located in the southwestern part of the Lone Star State. In 1986, the border town elected Clay Henry as mayor. Clay was a goat, but not just any old goat. Clay needed a constant supply of beer. He loved the stuff. And there's more. Clay actually beat a HUMAN opponent, Tommy Steele, who'd been appointed mayor after his predecessor's death. His predecessor, by the way, was a dog named Buster. So Lajitas seems to lean toward our four-legged friends when it comes to elected office. They're just not too picky about species.

How about a Labrador-Rottweiler mix named Bosco Ramos who was elected mayor of Sunol, California in 1981 and held the office until his death in 1994?

How about the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska, elected in 1997 as a write-in candidate? His name was Stubbs and he was a cat. I bet his talent at "making biscuits" landed him the lofty post. CNN reports that Stubbs left us in 2017 at the age of 20. So I guess that means he was elected as a kitten. Even in cat-to-human years, that's an awfully young mayor. Still and all, he wouldn't have gotten in if he hadn't been the purr-fect candidate. (Sorry. Had to.)

That brings us back to Rabbit Hash, a tiny town in Kentucky that, believe it or not, has had canine mayors since 1998. Wilbur, the French bulldog, is the just the latest in a long line.

I wish His Honor a long and healthy administration and a life filled with endless doggie treats and NO doorbells.

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