Our very own Kat Mykals made her film debut in an Indie Horror film called Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories and you can see some behind the scenes photos!

Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories

If you aren't familiar with Volumes of Blood, it is an indie film franchise that began with the first film simply titled, Volumes of Blood. It is a horror anthology that was filmed here in the tristate and has recently been picked up for distribution making it available at Family Video for rental or on Amazon for purchase. Packed full of local talent, the original is full of blood, screams and even a few laughs! Here's the trailer for the first film, available now:

When producer PJ Starks reached out to me about doing a scene in the sequel, Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories, I was a little apprehensive. I've never really acted on camera before. This was definitely out of my wheel house, but it sounded fun so I thought I'd give it a shot! Being on set was a lot of fun and the producers, PJ and Eric Huskisson were both great at directing me.

So technically, it's a post-credit scene that will actually help set up the 3rd film in the Volumes of Blood franchise but it was still super cool and I am excited that I got to be a part of it! My costar, Monica was adorable and she did such a great job! I actually played the role of her mother. I may have also secured myself Scream Queen status. Volumes of Blood: Horror Stories will premier Saturday, October 29th, 2016 at the Owensboro Convention Center.

Keep up with Volumes of Blood at the Official Facebook Page

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