Harbor Freight to Donate Entire Stock of Masks and Gloves to Hospitals
You've heard all about the shortage in personal protection equipment for healthcare workers for weeks now. There's a shortage in gloves and more notably, N95 face masks. Deaconess even made headlines this week for asking the community to help by sewing cloth masks to help local healthcare workers. Today Harbor Freight made the following announcement.
They announced that they would no longer be selling N95 face masks, face shields, or 5 & 7 mil Nitrile gloves. Instead they want to donate all of their stock to hospitals that are in need of these items to protect their workers. They ask that hospitals with 24 hour emergency rooms who are in need to reach out and let them know. They will donate the equipment where they see the most need, and as much as they can.
If you work at a hospital with a 24 hour emergency room in need of these items, please ask the office in charge of procurement at your hospital to email us at hospitalhelp@harborfreight.com so they can provide us with the information we’ll need to determine if we can make a donation.
In a time like this it truly is amazing to see everyone coming together to help each other out. Harbor Freight just gained another customer.