I love the game Happy Wheels. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. Morally, the game is horrible. You have to run over people (sometimes multiple times) to get to the end. And even if you do get to the end, you might not make it there with all of your limbs...or even alive. But I can't stop playing it because for some sick reason it makes me laugh SO HARD. (I'm a horrible person, I know.)

Happy Wheels is a very simple game. You choose a player, (Obese woman on a grocery scooter, Dad biking with his flailing son, old guy in a rocket powered wheelchair, Santa...etc.) you choose a course (Renaissance Ravager, DC Metro Station, Car Theif, North Pole Rush, Elderly Olympics...etc) and you try to make it to the end. A simple concept that can be made harder if you are being chased by Bigfoot, or a giant tractor, or various Pokemon characters. (Yeah, the people who made this game HAD to be on acid or SOMETHING.)

But no matter how funny a game is, there is always that ONE person that takes a game WAY too seriously, resulting in a 'Rage Quit' moment. You know those moments when you get so mad at a video game that you just start cussing it out for no apparent reason and throwing your controler across the room? Yeah, THAT is 'rage quitting.'  Most gamers have been there. But no one knows 'rage quitting' better than Michael, here.

I don't think Michael has very many words in his vocabulary that AREN'T profanities. Which is why this video is NSFW. But it's also NSFW because of the graphic violence to the 2 dimmentional, pixelated stick figures. I mean, there's only so much gore you can put into so many pixels...but Happy Wheels gore per pixel ratio is pretty high. And also hilarious.

"We're going to the North Pole in Hell!!"
"This kid on the back is getting whiplashed like you would not believe..."

To play this horribly hilarious game click HERE.

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