Five Creepy Day Trip Destinations for Tri-Staters
Right now things are kind of feeling like a weird sci-fi movie that none of us really wanted to watch. Things are scary, and right now everything seems so out of control and uncertain. So I'll take this moment to ask you to take a deep breath, and remember that this too shall pass. It may pass like a kidney stone, but it'll pass.
So in the mean time, I've been trying to distract myself by looking up things that make me happy, and checking out destinations I'd like to visit when things settle down. One thing I love are creepy destinations, and here in the tri-state, we've got plenty of those within a short driving distance. So I put together 5 creepy places I definitely want to visit when things calm down.
1) Rose Island
Rose Island is an abandoned amusement park located outside of louisville that you can hike through.
The IPMRC is located in Somerset Kentucky and features everything from ghosts, to aliens, to Bigfoot.
Located in Story, Indiana, the Story Inn is known as "the most haunted place in Indiana" it's a quaint bed and breakfast, with a cool tavern attached. I definitely want to go for a night to get away.
Waverly Hills is well known, and is one of the most haunted places in the country. It's an abandoned sanatorium. They offer tours, and overnight stays! But put me down for a tour, I'm not brave enough to stay all night.
The Bell Witch Cave is located outside of Clarskville Tennessee. It's known for being a haunted hot spot, with a lot of activity. You can take a tour of the cave itself, and of a replica house of the Bell family.

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