Evansville Rescue Seeking Volunteers to Take Photos of Adoptable Pets on Saturdays
This is one way you can help make a difference in the lives of homeless animals, and you don't have to be a professional photographer.

Good Photos Help Animals Find Homes
Just a few years ago in 2018, the ASPCA released the results of a survey they conducted that showed just how important it is for shelters to have a social media presence. In fact of the shelters that responded to the survey they said on average since utilizing social media they've noticed a 66% increase in adoptions on average.
Among the many positive impacts of social media use, those surveyed indicated it increased general awareness about their organization (86 percent), increased animal adoptions overall (66 percent) and increased adoptions of harder to place animals, like senior pets and those with medical issues (55 percent). Survey respondents also noted that with the pace of change in technology and limited staff, additional support and training would help them expand their use of social media and, hopefully, its positive impact.
This is wonderful news as social media is free to use, and reaches a massive audience daily. Many shelters in the Evansville area use social media to share fundraising events and adoptable animals. However, with sharing animals, there is the important of a good photo.
If you own a pet, then you know it can sometimes be tricky to get your pet to pose for the perfect photo, so It Takes a Village in Evansville is asking for volunteers to help them get the best photos of their animals possible!
It Takes a Village Seeking Saturday Volunteers to Photograph Animals
It Takes a Village took to Facebook to ask for volunteers to help them out. They are needing people to take photos of animals that are up for adoption on Saturdays using the It Takes a Village iPad.
You don't have to be a professional photographer for this volunteer role, just an animal lover with a passion for helping homeless pets in the community find their forever homes.
We have a fun NEW opportunity!! We are looking for Saturday volunteers to take ADOPTION PHOTOS! https://signup.com/go/FtZiYLK10-1:30 pm or 1:30-5 pm. You do NOT need to be a professional photographer; this is taking photos with our ipad. Adopters also have the option to purchase a polaroid photo!*volunteers are required to purchase the RED Volunteer shirt; it must be worn while volunteering at the rescue*. If youd like to be part of the adoption process, sign up here:
If you are interested in helping out with It Takes a Village, you can sign up here!
Animal Shelters and Rescues In and Around Evansville Indiana
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