Evansville Police Honor Everyday Heroes In Light of Recent Events
In light of recent events the EPD have highlighted the brave actions of everyday heroes.
There has been a lot happening lately, from the very scary situation with the shooting at the VFW to a car going into a lake, to the car that caught flames on Lynch road. But one thing connected these scary events, good people who just happened to be at the right place at the right time.
If it weren't for the actions of these quick thinking people it's safe to say these situations could have turned out much worse. Thankfully there were good people who stopped what they were doing to spring into action. These everyday heroes were there to hold it together, and rescue others until first responders could show up.
I think it says a lot about our local law enforcement that they recognize the actions of these people and are recognizing them as everyday heroes. I also think these situations also are a good reminder that there is still so much good in the world, and for that I'm very thankful.
In the words of EPD:
Not all heroes wear capes...or badges! Thank you to everyone who has stepped up and helped those in need. Not just in these incidents, but in everything you do that makes Evansville a great place to call home!