Evansville Could See First Frost on Halloween if Farmer’s Almanac is Correct
Why is Halloween 2020 extra special? Well it happens to fall on a Saturday, which is literally the BEST day possible for Halloween to fall on. It also happens to be a full moon! Seriously, is there anything more perfect than a Saturday/full moon combo for Halloween? I think not. Of course 2020 has NOT gone according to plan for any of us and as luck would have it, the year of the perfect Halloween, we would have a global pandemic. It's fine. Everything is fine.
To add to the spookiness that is 2020, I checked the Farmer's Almanac, and it looks like Evansville's first frost could happen on Halloween this year too! Which nothing is better than crisp fall air on Halloween, so it seems fitting. Picture this, Halloween 2020, a crisp evening of trick or treating, followed by a bon fire with perfectly toasted s'mores! Okay, all of a sudden a Halloween frost doesn't seem so bad!
So how does the Farmer's Almanac know we could see our first frost on Halloween? Well they look at data using climate normals from 1981-2010, and make an estimated guess. According to their calculations for Evansville in 2020 we could see our first frost on Halloween, and there's about a 30% probability of that. So is this hard evidence that a spooky frost is eminent? No. But will I continue to dream about a Halloween crisp evening, followed by a warm bonfire? 100%.

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