Ryan Reed is a freelance music/culture writer/editor. He also contributes to Rolling Stone, Relix Magazine, Revolver, Pitchfork, and other publications.
Ryan Reed
Stone Temple Pilots Albums Ranked
During their run with original singer Scott Weiland, they created one of the most unique and underrated catalogs from their era.
Red Hot Chili Peppers Launch Tour With John Frusciante: Set List
Band played 18-song set heavy on 'Unlimited Love' and 'Stadium Arcadium.'
Tool Announce ‘Opiate2′ Short Film and ‘Reimagined’ Song
Guitarist Adam Jones and visual artist Dominic Hailstone collaborated on Blu-ray-only clip.
Eminem and Duran Duran Lead Rock Hall Race After Million Votes
Pat Benatar, Dolly Parton and Eurythmics round out top five of 2022 fan tally.
The 21 Biggest Rock Acts Who Haven’t Toured Since COVID Hit
Revisiting the live pauses — and previewing the next touring moves — of AC/DC, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and more.
12 Rare Live Pink Floyd Albums Appear on Streaming Services
Band hasn’t publicly commented on recordings, which document early ‘70s period.
Top 50 Covers of ‘Led Zeppelin IV’ Songs
From bluegrass versions of "Going to California" to jazz takes on "Black Dog" — plus a whole lotta Heart.
Top 50 Progressive Rock Artists
From Kansas and Can to King Crimson and Curved Air.
Hear the Darkness’ Wild, Robot-Centric New Song ‘Motorheart’
Single previews band's upcoming seventh LP.
Watch Neil Peart’s Final Recorded Drum Solo in Rush Film Teaser
Band will screen director's cut of 2019's 'Cinema Strangiato' for one-night-only event.
Neil Peart’s Classic Car Collection Sells for $3.9 Million
Late Rush drummer's valuable fleet of "Silver Surfers" were sold at auction.
‘Superbad': When Bill Hader Did Donuts to Van Halen’s ‘Panama’
Actor's hilarious improv wound up leading to a memorable — but expensive — scene from the 2007 comedy.