5 Things I Can’t Do That The Average Adult Can
With it being the first "yardwork" day of 2017, my Saturday consisted of pressure washing and partial lawn mowing. Stuff that the average functional adult can do. So I began to wonder, "Is there something I should be able to do, but can't?"
So I found this blog from Thrillist which is a list of essential things an adult should be able to do. Now I can add a few checks to the list, but its going to be more fun to look at the skills I don't have.
1. Change My Own Oil
I once had a buddy show me. It was a great way for me to make the decision to just pay someone to do it for the rest of my life.
2. Do My Own Taxes
I can use Turbotax, does that count?
3. Drive a Stick Shift
Nope. Can't do it. Don't want to learn how to do it. If the zombie apocalypse starts to happen and my getaway car is a stick-shift, let's just say I might enjoy being undead.
4. Start a Conversation
I can start a conversation, I can't guarantee that it won't be awkward or appropriate.
5. Pair Wine To A Meal
Okay, I think I get a pass on this one. Is this a common thing people should know? I think me and my buddies can pair a beer with dinner. Wine is a whole other thing.
Is there anything that you can't do, that you think you should be able to do?