Since November, Evansville has been home to Plaid & Timber Axe Throwing Company owned by Kyle Richenbaugh and Adam James. Richenbaugh, is captain to a team of Indiana's best axe throwers, including his business partner, Adam James. The team is competing in a Global Team Throwdown - a virtual axe throwing competition of teams from across the US, Western Canada, Ontario, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland.

Currently, Team Indiana is ranked #4 in the world and has made it to the Global Team Throwdown finals! Team members include:

  • Kyle Rickenbaugh Evansville, Indiana
  • Adam James Evansville, Indiana
  • Josh Edlin Evansville, Indiana
  • Caci Budde Evansville, Indiana
  • Nick Kozan Evansville, Indiana
  • Tyler Kneer - Evansville, Indiana
  • Ryan Gustin Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Steve Middleton Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Josh Uehlin Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Dyllan Uehlin Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Seth Catron Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Colette Byrer Indianapolis, Indiana

The competition began back in April with weekly virtual competitions that have been live streamed for accuracy of scoring. The teams play in accordance with WATL (World Axe Throwing League) rules. According to Richenbaugh,

The finals consists of Team Western Canada, Team North Carolina, Team Philadelphia, Team Indiana, Team Ontario, Team Ireland, Team New Jersey, Team Texas. Part of our team will be throwing out of our venue here tomorrow against the team from Ontario, Canada and if we win will have another match on Sunday to determine who will throw in the championship of the "Global Team Throwdown" next Sunday.

If Team Indiana wins, they will have bragging rights within the World Axe Throwing League community.

Global Team Throwdown Match Up - Team Indiana vs Team Ontario
Kyle Richenbaugh

Back in November, before any of us had ever heard the word coronavirus, Plaid & Timber Axe Throwing Company opened their doors for the first time in Evansville. I remember coming across a post on Facebook announcing the opening and immediately made a reservation and surprised my husband, Shawn with a date night. While it was not our first go around with axe throwing, it was very exciting to be doing it in Evansville and supporting a new local business. We had a great time!

Fast forward a few months later. The coronavirus pandemic struck and it shuttered many local businesses. Most of them now struggling to recover from months of closed doors and missed income. Recently, I shared that Plaid & Timber had once again opened their doors and about how excited I was to learn that they are serving Liquid Death -  a cool canned water that features some edgy and creative advertising. I have been wanting to make it back out Plaid & Timber to throw some axes and sip some Liquid Death, but Shawn just had to have surgery on his shoulder so it's going to be a hot minute before we get to throw axes again and I'm hoping that Plaid & Timber will be there when we're able to again.

Plaid and Timber
Kat Mykals, TSM

They recently shared on social media asking for the help of the public to spread the word about their business in hopes of keeping the doors open as they continue, like many, to navigate through this unusual and trying time.

We wanted to take this moment to thank all of our patrons who have supported us since we opened last November and have continued to support us since our re-open – we would not be here without you. We would like to ask for more of your help. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc. about how much fun you had throwing axes with us. We need their support too, now more than ever.

If you're looking for something to do outside of the house that allows you to have fun and still practice safe social distancing, you can do that at Plaid & Timber. They have taken extra precautions to make sure that the throwing areas, restrooms and other common areas are "super sanitized" in between sessions. They can even accommodate younger throwers ages 13-17 with an adult. You can make a reservation by calling 812-402-0390. If you're not comfortable heading out to the throwing lanes just yet, you can still support them by purchasing a gift card on their website for use at a later date. And it's not just Plaid & Timber fighting this uphill battle to stay afloat during Covid-19 so be sure you are visiting your favorite local businesses as you're able and if not, purchase those gift cards so we can help make sure these businesses are here when the pandemic is over.


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