2020 Henderson Tri-Fest Canceled Amid COVID-19 Concerns
As the list of postponed events due to COVID-19 grows, Henderson Tri-Fest is now on the canceled list.
According to their Facebook page, there will be no Tri-Fest this year.
The decision was made this morning to cancel Tri Fest for this year. We hope to see everyone next year.
About Henderson Tri-Fest:
Over the past 24 years the Breakfast Lions Club has been able to donate over $500,000 to local groups, not to mention the many organizations that have raised thousands of dollars from food sales and events such as the 5K, poker run, bike ride, and corn hole.
The food, rides and entertainment are just some of the activities that traditionally draw families and friends to historic downtown Henderson in April. Breakfast Lions Club Tri-Fest allows everyone to break out of the winter cabin fever and provides food, fellowship and fun for every member of the community.