Impressive 113 Million Year-Old Dinosaur Tracks Appear in Texas Following Extreme Drought
Everything really is bigger in Texas, including the dinosaur tracks. Researchers continue to learn more about these giant creatures every day. Thanks to some very hot days we can now see some of the best preserved in the world.
How Old Are These Dinosaur Tracks?
There is actually a park in Texas where you can walk in the actual footprints of dinosaurs that lived on Earth millions of years ago. I had no idea this type of place existed until today! The giant prints that were discovered a few days ago are said to be 113 million years old.
After The Drought of 2022 Huge Dinosaur Tracks Appear in the Paluxy River at Dinosaur Valley State Park. B.P. Baker Site. Normally these are under water and mud.
Check Out Those Claws
Acrocanthosaurus Theropod
These tracks found at Dinosaur Valley State Park in Texas belong to a meat-eating dinosaur. I know they kind of look like new prints in concrete, but that is how well-preserved they are.
Social Media Comments Unearth Sceptics
"Christopher Bennick wow… astonishing…. It’s impossible that fossilized tracks were left, millions of years ago. But you said it, not me.
These tracks are located in the Paluxy River at Dinosaur Valley State Park.
After The Drought of 2022 Huge Dinosaur Tracks Appear
Deino Track Site being cleaned for a dinosaur track mapping project. A lot of mud!

Dinosaur Valley State Park is Located In Paluxy River Glen Rose Texas
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