When Does Pumpkin Spice Season Start?
It's August. And some of us have already gotten the pumpkin spice itch...
I'm one of those people that LOVES PUMPKIN. I'm not a big "pumpkin spice latte" person. But I love me some pumpkin foods (donuts, breads, cakes, pies...) and pumpkin smelling things (Give me ALL the pumpkin spice candles and air freshener you have!!!!)
So when the clock struck midnight on August 1st, my first thought was "Okay, where the pumpkins at??"
So I did a little research...
Pumpkin season is about right now. Pumpkin seeds need 75-100 frost free days to grow properly. And the estimated time to plant these seeds is between May 15th and June 15th. So, depending on when local markets planted their seeds, we could have local pumpkins at the earliest: July 29th, and at the latest: September 23rd.
Check your local farmers market and ask 'em when to expect those big orange globes!
As far as lattes go, Starbucks usually starts making their Pumpkin Spice Latte's on Sept 1st. Sorry, we've still got to wait on those.
But the air fresheners and candles? Keep your eyes peeled. Because according to WalMart's website THEY ALREADY HAVE THEM IN STOCK.
So your pumpkin candle scented dreams will be a reality ANY DAY NOW...
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