Warrick County Has a Pet Food Pantry to Help Feed Pets in Need
We all know about local food pantries to help people in need, but now there's a pet food pantry to help pets out. Times are hard right now, and it's okay if you need help. Warrick County Animal Control wants to help out pet owners who may be struggling to keep their pets fed. They've started the Warrick County Animal Control food pantry where cat and dog owners can get food for their pets free of charge.
Of course because of the limited supply this is subject to availability. You also must be a resident of Warrick County to pick up free food. If you want to make an appointment you can call Warrick County Animal Control at (812) 897-6107 and set up an appointment.
There is currently food available to anyone in Warrick County that needs cat or dog food. Please contact WCAC at 812-897-6107 to make an appointment to pick some up if you are in need!