Growing up, I can remember spending a lot of time playing at the Chandler Town Park. Some of the playground equipment on the playground is still there today, but with the help of folks like you, the park will be getting an upgrade.

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4 A Better Chandler is seeking volunteers to help build and install the first phase of its inclusive playground at the Chandler Town Park. The Be the Change in Chandler Playground is a three-phase project that includes play components and swings that are safe and accessible for children of all ages and abilities. The project also includes rubberized safety surfacing for stability and protection from falls. I know first hand how beneficial this rubber turf will be compared to mulch or rock. One thing is for sure, you won't have to worry about getting the turf stuck inside your shoes, unlike mulch or rock!

According to 4 A Better Chandler,

Phase 1 of the project includes a play structure and swings for children up to age 5. The structure has 16 developmentally-appropriate play features, including an inclined tunnel, slide, race car track, bongos, bells, wiggle ladder, activity table, and more.

In order to get the structure up and running, the community needs your help. Volunteers will be needed to help with general construction and assembly of the equipment, as well as for managing parts and tools, handing out drinks and food, and assisting with childcare for volunteers. Think of this as a way to give the children of Chandler, and your children another place to go and just be a kid.

You may be reading this and thinking "I don't know the first thing about building a play structure. How can I help?" Here's the thing, there is no experience necessary. Shifts are scheduled in four-hour increments, and as a little added incentive, there will be a free lunch planned at noon. Water and other snacks will also be provided for those helping out.

Anyone interested in volunteering to help with the community build day should visit the Build Day tab at, email, or contact Daniel Edwards at 812-708-0389.

Following construction of the playground, it will remain closed for approximately two weeks to allow for the installation and curing of the new safety surfacing. A ribbon cutting ceremony and official opening date for the new playground will be announced at a later time, according to 4 A Better Chandler.



Information has been provided by 4 A Better Chandler.



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