Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Positive Words of Encouragement and Support Albion Fellows Bacon Center Too
Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that is hit or miss with a lot of people. On the one hand, sure, it is romantic to send flowers and chocolates and plan a sweet date experience for your partner. But on the flip side of that, shouldn't you be doing things like that all year long?
Do You Prefer to Give Rather Than Receive?
Look, I get it. Not everyone has a partner who thinks about those small random gestures - and that's ok. We get busy and life gets hectic or maybe you are like me and out of the Five Love Languages, receiving gifts is at the bottom of your Love Language profile. If I am being 100% honest, I much more prefer to give a gift than to receive a gift.
Small Thoughtful Gifts Often Mean More
Now please don't misunderstand - I do still love to receive gifts. I just personally prefer to receive small, thoughtful, "this made me think of you" type gifts for no real reason other than, well, they thought of me when they saw it. I also appreciate gifts that somehow give back and do good...

Why Not Give and Give Back?
I think that may be why I appreciate the gift opportunity being offered by Albion Fellows Bacon Center. They are offering "positive and empowering encouragement" for the cost of a small donation to the 501 c3 non-profit. You can make a $5 donation to Albion Fellows Bacon Center and they will include your empowering candy-heart Valentine in their Virtual Valentine Video.
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Here's How to Donate and Gift an Empowering Message
Make a donation to Albion Fellows Bacon Center here, and then you can message them through Facebook or Instagram and let them know:
-What card number you would like
-What color heart you would like
-Who your message is "to" and "from"
Tag Your Valentine on Social Media
On Valentine's Day, Albion Fellows Bacon Center will fill their social media pages with your messages of love and encouragement in a special video. Just be sure you tag your special someone in the comments to be sure they see it too!
Albion Fellows Bacon Center Offers Resources for Domestic Violence Survivors
Albion Fellows Bacon Center is a domestic violence resource center providing services to 11 Southern Indiana counties. The mission of Albion Fellows Bacon Center is "to prevent domestic and sexual violence and to empower victims through advocacy, education, support services, and collaborative partnerships."
24 Hours a Day/365 Days a Year Across Southern Indiana
Albion Fellows Bacon Center provides services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, including emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, one-on-one crisis intervention, legal advocacy, support groups, and more. The counties that Albion Fellows Bacon Center services include,
If you or someone you know has experienced domestic and/or sexual violence, Albion Fellows Bacon Center offers a number of services including emergency shelter, a 24-hour crisis hotline, one-on-one crisis intervention, legal advocacy, support groups, and more.
Domestic Violence Hotline: 812-422-5622
Sexual Assault Hotline: 812-424-7273
In addition to these and other resources, Albion Fellows Bacon Center also continues to raise awareness through events and local campaigns, like the purple Shine a Light campaign. To learn more about Albion Fellows Bacon Center, visit AlbionFellowsBacon.org. You can also email info@albioncenter.org or call 812-424-7273.
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