This 2019 Calendar Helps Out an Evansville Rescue!
Here's a way to keep your 2019 organized, and help out It Takes a Village!
It Takes a Village No-Kill Rescue is located in Evansville, they work hard all year so that as many dogs (and sometimes cats!) as possible get the loving home they deserved. You can help ITV continue their mission of saving pets by purchasing a 2019 pin up pup calendar!
And I don't want to toot my own horn or anything, but you may just recognize the pups on October! That's my sweet Wrigley and George!
George was actually adopted from It Takes a Village! They had a contest and Wrigley and George raised $380 for ITV, it was enough to get them 2nd place, and a spot on the calendar!
So if you're looking for a calendar that is filled with cute pups that'll look super stylish on your desk or in your home, consider stopping by ITV and picking up one of these while supplies last! The money goes to a great cause! You can pick up a calendar at It Takes a Village located at 1417 North Stockwell, Evansville, Indiana. They're open Tuesdays 12-5, Wednesdays 12-7, Thursday-Friday 12-5, and Saturday's from 10-5!