
Violent Games Help Downward Crime Trend
Violent Games Help Downward Crime Trend
Violent Games Help Downward Crime Trend
If the headline alone doesn't have mini-van mommies running, it being true will probably have them up and cuddling to their Snuggies at night. But according to a study from the University of Texas, yep its true.
Another Cell Phone Cancer Story
Another Cell Phone Cancer Story
Another Cell Phone Cancer Story
I knew something big had happened today, when I saw the same story plastered on my Facebook newsfeed numerous times. Yet another group of quacks are saying that cell phones may cause cancer.
Sex Can Kill?!? What?
Sex Can Kill?!? What?
Sex Can Kill?!? What?
A new study has confirmed what doctors have long suspected: A sudden burst of moderate to intense activity, in particular sex, greatly increases your risk of suffering a deadly cardiac event. Researchers from Tufts University compiled data from 14 studies which explored the link between sex and heart attacks. They were able to conclude a person is 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack durin