
Trade In Your Unwanted Christmas Gift Cards on Porn
Trade In Your Unwanted Christmas Gift Cards on Porn
Trade In Your Unwanted Christmas Gift Cards on Porn
If you feel like you got jipped over the holidays because all Santa brought you is a bunch worthless gift cards to stores you wouldn’t be caught dead in, then why not get more bang for your buck and trade them in on some porn? Naughty America, an online porn network offering access to various porn sites, is currently allowing individuals with unwanted holiday gift cards to trade them in for a memb
Porn Filled Weekend on Facebook
Porn Filled Weekend on Facebook
Porn Filled Weekend on Facebook
If you checked in on your Facebook news feed in the last week, you probably noticed your friends were posting a lot of porn. However they weren't putting their adult entertainment preferences on display, they were actually hacked.
Swiss Porn Voiceover Guy
Swiss Porn Voiceover Guy
Swiss Porn Voiceover Guy
Yeah...he gets paid to watch porn and make those awesome grunts and groans that come from a male porn star. So, does anyone speak Swiss? Anybody know what this guy is saying?
Nick Swardson’s Bang Van Video
Nick Swardson’s Bang Van Video
Nick Swardson’s Bang Van Video
Okay...raise your hand if you have NEVER been to the Bang Bus website. Now let's all point and laugh at that one dude with his hand up. I remember Bang Bus being one of the first naughty sites I used to visit back in the day (not anymore of course...cause I'm too busy working). Here is Nick Swardson with his homage to Bang Bus and other sites like it.
Police and Porn
Police and Porn
Police and Porn
Two Los Angeles traffic enforcement officers appeared in a porn movie in which they fondled and spanked a naked actress and let her perform a solo sex act in one of their official vehicles. The kicker: It all happened while they were on duty.
Man Bursts Into Flames at Porn Shop [VIDEO]
Man Bursts Into Flames at Porn Shop [VIDEO]
Man Bursts Into Flames at Porn Shop [VIDEO]
A San Francisco man was enjoying some adult videos in a private booth inside an area porn shop Wednesday when something stunning happened: he burst into flames. Luckily, there was a firetruck only a block away, so when the human fireball rushed out into the street the firefighters were able to help him.
Anti-Porn Politician Caught Looking At Porn
Anti-Porn Politician Caught Looking At Porn
Anti-Porn Politician Caught Looking At Porn
Hypocrite, party of 1, your table is ready! Getting caught looking at Internet porn can be embarrassing, but it's rarely a big deal. Unless of course you're a member of a political party railing against pornography.
Isn’t It Ironic…Don’t You Think
Isn’t It Ironic…Don’t You Think
Isn’t It Ironic…Don’t You Think
If you're like me and think that irony isn't flies in chardonnay and rain on your wedding day (Ha, that rhymed and I apologize for the pop reference). Then you will appreciate true irony when it smacks you in the face. And when politics are involved, it only gets better.