Voting opened on August 15th and wow we had some crazy amounts of voting. But now we are down to the TOP 5! You'll have from NOW until September 5th to vote. Then on September 6th, we'll announce the WINNER!
Voting opened on August 15th and wow we had some crazy amounts of voting. But now we are down to the TOP 20! You'll have from NOW until August 28th to vote. Then on August 29th, the top 5 schools will go head to head.
We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got spirit, how 'bout you?
My School Rules, the biggest school spirit contest in the tri-state is BACK for 2022 and we are so excited to announce that we've teamed up with Robert John & Associates again to grant the winning area school $1,000 to use on... well.. whatever they want...
My School Rules, the biggest school spirit contest in the tri-state is BACK for 2022 and we are so excited to announce that we've teamed up with Robert John & Associates again to grant the winning area school $1,000 to use on... well.. whatever they want!
School PTOs from all over the tri-state have been going head-to-head to prove that their school RULES! So, we figured, what better way to get you over the hump of Thursday than a little friendly competition? So, here's a sneak peek at the standings!
School PTOs from all over the tri-state have been going head-to-head to prove that their school RULES! So, we figured, what better way to get you over the hump of Thursday than a little friendly competition? So, here's a sneak peek at the standings!
School PTOs from all over the tri-state have been going head-to-head to prove that their school RULES! So, we figured, what better way to get you over the hump of Thursday than a little friendly competition? So, here's a sneak peek at the standings!
School PTOs from all over the tri-state have been going head-to-head to prove that their school RULES! So, we figured, what better way to get you over the hump of Thursday than a little friendly competition? So, here's a sneak peek at the standings!
My School Rules, the biggest school spirit contest in the tri-state is BACK for 2021 and we are so excited to announce that we've teamed up Robert John & Associates to grant the winning area school parent-teacher organization $1,000 to use on whatever they want!
My School Rules, the biggest school spirit contest in the tri-state is BACK for 2021 and we are so excited to announce that we've teamed up Robert John & Associates to grant the winning area school parent-teacher organization $1,000 to use on whatever they want!