Get in to win a trip to see 2015 inductees into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Pop Punk Icons Green Day play at Wrigley Field in Chicago! One winner and a guest will receive:
Autographed Green Day vinyl
2 tickets to the Thursday, August 24 Green Day concert at Wrigley Field, Chicago, IL
Roundtrip airfare for 2 from winner’s closest major city to Chicago, IL
2 night’s hotel Wednesday 8/23/17
Do you play an instrument...maybe need some new gear? Have you thought about starting to learn? Either way, let the folks at Moore Music point you in the right direction. Don't pass up this chance to win a $100 gift certificate.
Today’s 103GBF business of the day is Moore Music.
Join them tomorrow for their Grand Reopening.
Prizes, Giveaways, and deeply discounted gear.
Also on Saturday, the band Deliver Us From Evil will be doing an in store appearance at Moore Music selling CD's, T-shirts, and they have some other surprises in store for you...