An Indiana man created this revolutionary device back in the late 1880's. Learn how inventions from unexpected places have shaped our world in significant ways.
With gas prices on the decline, many Tristate residents are wondering just how low those prices will go, and will it be enough to make a difference under the tree?
Law enforcement agencies across the land must be celebrating just how easy Facebook has made their job. Not only can they have users help them bust criminals, but some of them are dumb enough to post their crimes on the site.
Michael Baker, from Kentucky, posted the picture you see above on his personal Facebook page...
With gas prices so high, that a bike is looking like a great option. Leave it to Kentucky ingenuity to find a way to combat the problem. The solution, Kentucky Bourbon.
Now the fuel that powers me (or so I think, its like a Popeye effect), can run your vehicle thanks to a Kentucky man...
I got a call from someone in Evansville today who told me they saw a service station in town that was selling gas for $4.17 a gallon!! Ridiculous! 103GBF wants to ease your pain at the pump. Watch our new TV ad for more info!
Starting this Monday, April 25th, 103GBF will have your chance to win some serious gas!
You'll need to listen each weekday morning during the Bob & Tom Show for your cue to call in and say "Hey GBF...gimme gas!". We'll give you the cue to call during the 6am, 7am and 8am hours.