This woman was being interviewed on live TV to describe what had happened during a shooting, when her tooth fell out in the middle of her imitating the gunfire.
Source: Worldstar
Astra had a rocket launch in Alaska this past Friday that ended in flames as the engine failed, and the rocket fell right back to Earth like a rock.
Source: Twitter
It turns out that things like this usually take a few times to get right...
This guy tried to get a good jump into a pool, but ended up breaking the diving board in half instead.
How embarrassing would that be? You're getting ready to show off your sweet, sweet diving and/or cannonball skills and then... CRACK!
Luckily, it doesn't seem like the guy was hurt, though I'm sure that it bruised his ego a little bit...
A 34-year-old man got his parachute stuck on a parking garage and was hanging about 40 feet in the air when the police arrived to help him, and he ended up breaking both of his legs in the accident.
Source: ABC 5