New York City Sanitation Deputy Chief James McGovern decided to say, "thank you!" to nurses with mini bottles and we're here for it.
Source: New York Post
It can be hard to size some one up based solely on their political persuasion, especially when the grey area that separates the Democrats from the Republicans appears to join them together like cocaine bonded Siamese twins. Nevertheless, new research suggests you can determine a person’s political preference by what kind of booze the bastard likes to drink.
What an absolutely brilliant idea! It's called the Freedom Flask, and it's a seemingly flawless way to sneak liquor into an event. From the date on the video, it appears this product has been around for a little while...but I'm just now discovering it.
A little booze here and there makes any event at least a little more entertaining, whether it's a birthday party, a sporting event, or even the 90th annual West Side Nut Club Fall Festival.
There's something deeply satisfying about watching a ton of bottles breaking at the same time, especially when they are filled with expensive booze. Here are some videos of massive disasters, inspired by this week's surveillance camera footage of a crazy lady knocking dozens of bottles onto the floor in a frustrated attempt to get back at the employees who wouldn't let her use their bathroom...