How is the In & KY Cops Connecting with Kids Disney Trip Funded?How is the In & KY Cops Connecting with Kids Disney Trip Funded?Discover how students are chosen for the Disney trip organized by Cops Connecting With Kids in Evansville.LibertyLiberty
Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry Announces Police and Fire Chief Evansville Mayor Stephanie Terry Announces Police and Fire Chief The city of Evansville has a new Police Chief and Fire ChiefLibertyLiberty
EPD Chief Billy Bolin Discusses Guns & Hoses [Video]EPD Chief Billy Bolin Discusses Guns & Hoses [Video]The 8th annual charity boxing event between the cops and firefighters is coming up this Saturday night! Chief Billy Bolin, from the Evansville Police Department, stopped by the station to continue hyping this exciting and entertaining event.Bobby G.Bobby G.