You would think that by the time you're old enough to read, you know how to use the bathroom correctly - maybe that's not the case at this Indiana campground.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico a storm has been wreaking havoc by causing power outages, flooding, and now by dragging a porta-john down the road.
KOB 4 reports that there has been a ton of damage due to the storm, but the one silver lining for residents of Albuquerque is constantly seeing this porta-potty on the move through the city...
No one likes walking into a restroom and seeing droplets of liquid gold on the toilet seat. But it takes a real American like Deion Sanders to make a plea to all men out there to stop peeing on the seat. #IStandWithPrimeTime
Next time you think about taking a long bathroom break at work, be happy you don't work at this place!
This picture was posted on a Reddit thread recently. Apparently, management at this company felt that employees were taking bathroom breaks that lasted too long and wanted to crack down with "smell checks" after long trips to the restroom...
Hitting up the boy's room can be a pretty lonely experience, so up until recently books and magazines would have to keep you company on a visit. Now it seems you can bring all your friends along for the adventure.