Mash-ups can be a little bit of hit and miss, but there are occasions where the vision of the producer is just too interesting not to check out. Such is the case for the new mash-up 'Crocodile Chop,' which unites the System of a Down favorite 'Chop Suey' with Elton John's extremely upbeat and poppy '70s favorite 'Crocodile Rock.'

Mash-up artist Neil Cicierega is responsible for the blending of the tracks, slowing down the rapidly paced 'Chop Suey' to fit the beat of 'Crocodile Rock.' Adding to the fun is a video that utilizes System's original 'Chop Suey' clip with the new mash-up soundtrack against it.

With the slowed down Serj Tankian vocals, he comes off as more slurry, but it makes for an interesting context with the supremely catchy musical backing and at points it's almost as if 'Chop Suey' is delivered as a ballad vocally. Check out the mash-up madness in the video above.

Cicierega has also put his skills to work on a number of other mash-ups which can be found via his Soundcloud site here. To check out more awesome rock related mash-ups, click on the link below.

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