Normally, that statement might make one cringe.  Facebook has certainly got away from it's original intent, which was to connect old friends.  It has become more sniping and hatin' on stuff and people as time goes by.  I am lucky enough to have the max of 5,000 Facebook friends, and we all sure have lots of fun.  For instance, last night, I posted this...


Some of my Facebook friends said some much funnier stuff than what I came up with...except coming to the defense of Pauly Shore.  Really?


Not sure how "American Sniper" got in there, but it is a great movie.  For all the negativity that goes down on Facebook, I'm lucly to have a lot of smart and funny people as my friends.   BTW...we had Pauly Shore in the 103GBF Studio in the 90's...he is a dick.

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