Smokin’ Hot Russian Import – Yulia!
Welcome to the tri-state Yulia! Hailing from St.Petersberg, Russia this sexy girl has become a favorite of photographers in the area. What's not to like? A pretty face and a bangin' bod are two things that make most fellas take notice. But knowing Yulia, I can also say she is smart and as nice as anyone you've ever met. Here's a great quote from this beautiful babe:
"Here's how I see it: there are two types of talent: first is the God given talent of being amazing at something, second - the talent of being able to exploit those who have the first. The unfortunate fact is - the second usually happens to be more profitable. Thus I will not become a starving artist!"
Thanks for sharing your images with us Yulia!
Photographers include Kevin Duke/JSM, Gloria Budiman and Kevin Brown/KN Photography