Ten Places to Take a Hike Near the Tri-State
I don't know about you, but I have spring fever something fierce right now! I don't know if it's because with the pandemic keeping us cooped up inside this winter on top of the couple weeks we had of just freezing temps or what, but I am ready for some warm weather. One of my favorite things to do when it warms up is go for a walk, but it's even better when that walk has a scenic view. When it's warm, especially the first warm days after winter all I want to do is spend as much time outside as possible.

We have so many great places around the tri-state to take a hike. And after a long winter, I can't wait to get out and stretch my legs (can you tell I'm ready for warm weather). Please note, when I say "hike" I don't mean actually hike. I'm not an experienced hiker in the least bit, so these aren't super experienced hiking trails or anything, just places that have beautiful scenery and plenty of places to walk. My idea of a good hike is loading up a backpack with some water, granola bars, and hand sanitizer and heading off for a couple hours.
If you decide to take on one of these trails please remember to be courteous, clean up after yourself, and only take pictures. Enjoy!
10 Places to Hike in the Tri-Stae
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