One Day Only Girl Scout Cookie Sale
If you've already eaten all of your Girl Scout Cookies that you ordered a few months back, you're in luck! The Girl Scouts of Southerwestern Indiana will be selling the delicious little treats on June 3rd!
If you're like me, when you break open that box of Girl Scout cookies, you think to yourself, "I'm only going to eat just a couple," but what you fail to admit to yourself is that "just a couple" doesn't mean the cookies themselves. What it really means is "just a couple" of sleeves and before you know it, you've polished off the entire box of Thin Mints. Also, if you're like me, then your annual order of cookies was annihilated after about a week, leaving you heartbroken at the thought of waiting another 358 days until you could get your hands on a fresh box. Well, fret no more, my friend! You and I are in luck because the Girls Scouts of Southwestern Indiana will be selling their tasty treats at all area Schnucks locations for one day only. On Saturday, June 3rd, you'll be able to pick up your Thin Mints and Samoas for the usual $4 a box.