Nikki Sixx Celebrates 20 Years of Sobriety
Twenty years is a long time, but Motley Crue and Sixx: A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx has reached a sober milestone one day at a time. Sixx commented about his journey over the last two decades while posting about his 20th sober anniversary.
"Some people will try an kick you in the nuts, steal your money, stab you in the back, guaranteed to let you down, sabotage yer life, not believe in you and gossip that you’ll never make a day without drugs or alcohol. And do you know what you’re gonna do? YOU’RE GONNA STAY SOBER ONE DAY AT A TIME," wrote Sixx in his Instagram post marking his 20th sober anniversary.
He continued, "You are the miracle, the one that breaks the addiction chain, the one who is a living amens. The one who has altered your family history. You will live in gratitude for those that never thought you’d stay sober or make it out alive BECAUSE THEY MADE YOU STRONGER and you know how to forgive assholes. And when you see people who are still suffering / treading water or gasping for air, be sure to throw them a life vest. Because we give back now to those that are still afflicted and hope they too pass it on." Sixx ended his post with the hashtags #SobrietyRocks and #20Years.
Sixx has made a habit of recognizing the anniversary. On his 19th anniversary last year he wrote that sobriety is "the road worth traveling if you are struggling. Old timers are here to guide us but newcomers to sobriety are the greatest gift to this simple program."
He continued, "Of course it’s not always easy. First thing I did and continue to do is cut toxic people outta my life, then comes the first step and then freedom (If you work it). Even non addicts could use the 12 step program to better their lives. To me it’s a life program. I am a better man, father, husband, friend, bandmate and creative spirit because of this program." The bassist concluded that post adding, "I look up everyday and say thank you."
Sixx has also spent time in recent years advocating for more attention given to the growing opioid crisis in the U.S. In 2017, the bassist penned an op-ed in which he noted that overdoses kill more people than "car crashes and gun homicides combined" in the U.S. and that prescription opioids and heroin are the primary contributors to the overdoses. He called for the Trump administration to heed the advice of his opioid commission who submitted a report that "emphasizes treatment, education about pain management for doctors, research and data collection and rational 'supply reduction.'" He continued, "It spells out policy goals based on facts and science. The president should listen to his own experts. Now."
Sixx also stated that he felt drug manufacturers should be held accountable for their marketing tactics of addictive drugs, stating, "We can better restrain painkiller prescriptions. Pharmaceutical companies are greedy and the regulations are too lax." Worried about the message this sends to those struggling with addiction, Sixx commented, "If we fail to take these necessary actions we are saying to addicts, 'You aren’t worth saving.' I am here to tell you that all addicts are worth saving."
Realizing he is in a more fortunate position with "good health insurance" and a support network ranging from "a loving family" to AA and sponsors, as well as finances, Sixx knows others don't have access to these resources. "But they are no less deserving of help. No one is a junkie by choice. And no junkie is a lost cause," said the bassist. In closing, he declared, "So I am speaking out. And so should you. Because another 142 people are going to die today."
Just last year, Sixx also gathered a bunch of fellow musicians, including Corey Taylor, Ivan Moody, Joe Elliott, Slash and more, to record the Sixx: A.M. track "Maybe It's Time" (heard below) with all royalties being donated to the Global Recovery Initiatives Foundation.
Sixx stated at the time, “I am proud to bring together these artists to help raise funds for the Global Recovery Initiative Foundation. The opioid epidemic did not go away when the pandemic came along. Just the opposite ... those in early recovery became even more at risk than before so it's more important now than ever to raise awareness and support them. I really believe that united we can make a difference and save lives.”
If you or someone you know if struggling with drug and/or alcohol dependence, help is available through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website. To speak to someone on the phone, dial 1-800-622-HELP (1-800-622-4357) or send a text message to 1-800-487-4889.
Sixx: A.M. + Friends, "Maybe It's Time"
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