MOD Pizza Offering Free Vanilla Milkshakes November 15th
Mark your calender! On Wednesday, November 15th, MOD Pizza is going to be giving away free vanilla milkshakes get details on how to get yours!
MOD Pizza is sort of the "new kid on the block" when it comes to Pizza in Evansville. If you haven't been there yet, it's located in The Pavilion with Target, Starbucks & Biaggi's. MOD serves artisan-style, personal-sized pizzas made to order. They also offer milkshakes on the menu! Let's face it - that's why you're reading this right now! On Wednesday, November 15th, you can walk into MOD Pizza and receive a free vanilla milkshake - no strings attached and no purchase necessary. It's a thank you to their fans on Social Media. (BTW Follow MOD Pizza on Facebook Here)
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