Keep Evansville Beautiful Mascot Evie Sue Passes Away
It is with a broken heart Keep Evansville Beautiful shared the news of Evie Sue's passing.
If you've ever been to an event in Evansville, there's a really good chance you've met Evie Sue. She was a beautiful yellow lab, who always wore a Keep Evansville Beautiful scarf. Chances are if there was an event, Evie Sue was out there helping to raise awareness about taking care of our community. She even has a book in her honor called Retrieving with Evie.
This children s book tells the story of EVIE, a labrador, whose daddy teaches her the importance of picking up litter, keeping the community clean and being a good citizen as well as a good girl. Authored by Susan Harp and Illustrated by Jon Siau this book was originally a project of Keep Evansville Beautiful. a community environmental organization. This book teaches the importance of picking up and preventing litter in our southwestern Indiana community
She was a big part of the community, and will absolutely be missed. I've been at local park trash pick ups with her, and she was always such a sweet girl who was more than happy to greet you with a wagging tail. Unfortunatley Evie Sue passed away on August 22nd. Many on Facebook are asking to keep Evie Sue's memory alive by picking up some trash in her honor.
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