12 Items You Can’t Legally Throw in the Trash in Indiana
In Indiana, certain items are prohibited from being disposed of in regular household trash due to environmental and health concerns. It's important to remember that Improperly disposing of these materials can lead to contamination and pose risks to human health and the environment. Keep reading to see a list of items that are illegal to throw away in Indiana.
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)
This includes products that are ignitable, toxic, reactive, or corrosive. Improper disposal methods, such as pouring these substances down the drain, on the ground, into storm sewers, or placing them with regular trash, are illegal. Residents are encouraged to contact their local Solid Waste Management District for information on safe disposal options.
Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
Simply put - items that run on electricity or batteries have been banned since 2011 due to the presence of hazardous materials like mercury, lead, and cadmium. Residents should utilize electronic recycling services for proper disposal.
How Can Hoosier Safely Dispose of These Items?
How about a quick reminder of what you CAN'T do. It is illegal to burn or dump solid waste, including household trash, business trash, and construction debris, in unauthorized areas. All waste must be disposed of in state-permitted landfills, disposal facilities, or recycling centers.

If you have any items like these and you want to properly dispose of them, you should contact your local Solid Waste Management District or visit the Indiana Department of Environmental Management's website for guidance. Proper disposal helps protect the environment and ensures compliance with state regulations.
(Information is courtesy of In.gov and ZoRecycling.com)
12 Items You Can't Legally Throw in the Trash in Indiana
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